
291: is the time

is the time to lay down
is the time to sleep
is the time to relax myself
is the time to eat
is the time to wake up
is the time to grow up
is the time to say goodbye to my friend
is the time to work
is the time to love
is the time to play
is the time to own a new life

is the time..................

in our life, don't had many time to let us to enjoy the happy thing...

兔年,好听来说就是自己还没20岁。但是算农历的话,自己已经21岁了!原来我在这个世界上活了也将近20年了!今天跟大姐提起一些陈年旧事,就在想,is the time to find him...或许,他不记得有我的存在,但是没有他就没有我。虽然我不认他,但是血缘上我们的关系是那么地密切。在亲情上,我当他是陌生人。现在,我只想好好地珍惜我的家人。一家四口开心迎接兔年的到来,爸爸妈妈姐姐和我。一个都不能少!


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